Secret 30 second method opens a mystical gateway inside of you and unlocks unlimited abundance and prosperity


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Our customers say

based on 11,388 reviews!


“I recommend Pineal XT GOLD to anyone. Just last week I’ve had a positive ruling on my divorce, won a 50/50 at a fundraiser, and ran into a special person. I can now feel confident about being able to manifest just about anything; you can too!”

Verified Purchase

Hello, my name is Michael. I’m writing today to inform everyone of this amazing product that was bestowed upon me. I know it may seem a little to good to be true, or perhaps choreographed, and you feel a little skeptical. Trust me I was. I have to tell you, I’m one of the most skeptical people you could find. However, when it comes to my health, and well-being, how do you even put a price tag on that?

A friend of mine told me about this site, and about this product, and said it was a must try. I’ve been going through lot of difficult times. I’m fifteen months into a nasty divorce, and thought I should do something to help me with stress, anxiety, mental clarity, and manifest positivity.

So, I purchased Pineal XT gold about a month ago, and faithful and consistently have been taking it along with watching, reading, and following, all of Eric and his teams e-mails and helpful videos and articles.

I’m so grateful now that abundance comes to me easily and effortlessly & consistently on an everyday basis. Just last week I’ve had a positive ruling on my divorce, won a 50/50 at a fundraiser, and ran into a special person. I can now feel confident about being able to manifest just about anything; you can too!

I recommend Pineal XT GOLD to anyone.

3,316 people found this helpful


“Well, when I woke up yesterday, I noticed that it was gone!! My Daughter is a nurse and she couldn’t explain the spontaneous healing. Now, she is going to start taking it. ”

Verified Purchase

I just started taking PinealXTGold a week ago. I had no expectations, just wanted to add this to clearing blocks in my body.

First, I had a cyst on my wrist by my thumb that had been getting larger. Went to my PCP on 2/16 and got a referral to a hand surgeon that was scheduled for 2/22. I was very concerned about the procedure and was wishing I didn’t have to have it. Well, when I woke up yesterday, I noticed that it was gone!! My Daughter is a nurse and she couldn’t explain the spontaneous healing.

Now, she is going to start taking it.

Also found out my friend, Michelle Star, is taking it. And she suggested I tell you about this. I also had an item that I wanted to purchase but the model would not be available for 3 to 4 months. Well, I went to a vendor show and there it was! It was the ONLY one in the entire show.

What were the odds? Anyway, it will be interesting to see how things unfold for me

2,221 people found this helpful


“the swelling in my feet, acquired shortly before pineal xt, has disappeared. Also, convulsions I developed 5 years ago are have vanished.”

Verified Purchase

After 1.5 months as a recommended dosage regimen, one can say that the results have been significant.

For example, the swelling in my feet, acquired shortly before pineal xt, has disappeared.

Also, convulsions I developed 5 years ago are have vanished. Thirdly, my dreams state visual imagery is unaffected remaining an ongoing legacy. Thanks

1,898 people found this helpful


“I have noticed my psoriasis has nearly disappeared on my scalp”

Verified Purchase

Hey, Eric! I have to say I have noticed a big difference in my dreams after taking Pineal XT Gold now for a month and a half. Much more intense, but my problem occurs when I awaken. I can only hold onto the dream momentarily and it's gone like a wisp of smoke in a hurricane.

Overall, I feel like whatever is in the capsules is doing my entire body good. I have noticed my psoriasis has nearly disappeared on my scalp. I was keeping it under control, but it may be my imagination...when I feel like this blend has jumped into action in more ways than one. My psoriasis is definitely in remission.

Not what I expected at all.

Just thought I would share that with you in case you've heard of other cases. Let me give your product kudos. I am one who doesn't take medications for much of anything...ever. I'm always on the side of natural remedies. Perhaps this, too, is a natural remedy for more than just the pineal gland.

I will continue to take them and I hope to be able to report more improvements to you in the future.

Light and goodness to you!

2,109 people found this helpful


“This is major cuz this is the first time I’ve gotten a glimpse into something that my brain was dead on.”

Verified Purchase

Whoa, something really crazy just happened to me and it was full of beautiful light and I knew at that instant I was tapped into something I’ve never known inside myself.

I’m still trying to sort it out. But I was definitely connected to the universe and what I saw was in colors patterns and frequency and this gets a little stronger the longer I take pineal XT gold.

This is major cuz this is the first time I’ve gotten a glimpse into something that my brain was dead on.

1,668 people found this helpful


“Increased energy has been vibrating gently throughout my body from about an hour after I first took it, and all day, which is extremely encouraging.”

Verified Purchase

Thank you Steve! I took one capsule yesterday afternoon when I got the package, and then another this morning as I plan to do on a regular basis.

Increased energy has been vibrating gently throughout my body from about an hour after I first took it, and all day, which is extremely encouraging.

More and more groups are developing that teach focusing on seeing things as already manifested in a positive way - I’ve been doing it for about two years and the effects are amazing.

This particular group sounds like one I can relate to and I look forward to hearing more about it. Thanks again!

1,213 people found this helpful

David G.

“4 days later I started feeling a chance My mind started to get clear and as time went by I became more aware. My mind is getting brighter”

Verified Purchase

Hi Eric this is my experience with pineal XT Gold. I had a massive stroke caused by a broken neck from being hit by semi truck. The stroke did alot of brain damage both sides of my brain and brain stem. I've always used natural remedy to help heal with then one day I came across your pineal gland and what I read sounded like what I needed to help reopen my third eye my pineal glan so I ordered me some.

I got some pineal XL Gold and began using it. 4 days later I started feeling a chance My mind started to get clear and as time went by I became more aware. My mind is getting brighter It's like I'm getting closer to God waking up to the world. So I'm going to keep on going taking it to the limit. The hole world be using pineal XL Gold People will be able think clearer. Thank you keep up the good work.

Thank you!

984 people found this helpful


“Yes I’ve received it and it’s starting to take affect I’m thinking clearer I’ve only been using it for 5 days”

Verified Purchase

Yes I’ve received it and it’s starting to take affect I’m thinking clearer I’ve only been using it for 5 days so when I get all 3 containers empty I’ll be doing well if I’m not where I want to be I’ll order some more and some for my son and daughter hopef.

65 people found this helpful


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